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전문자료 검색결과 (4,559건) NAVER OpenAPI

The Differentiation and Reorganization of the Center and Peripheral of Gimhae during the Goryeo Dynasty: Focusing on the Use and Transf
Two Women of Gimhae Region, Described in Foreign Novels : Heo Hwang-ok and Baik Pa-seon 이 연구는 외국 소설의 캐릭터로 거
Comparison of Free Amino Acid Contents and the Antioxidant Activities of Green Tea, Black Tea and GABA Black Tea in Gimhae Areas 본
A study on the average lifespan of the tomb owner from Yimdang site, Gyeongsan and Yeanri sit, Gimhae 지금까지 우리나라 고고
The spread of mask dance in the Gyeongnam region during the late Joseon, early colonial periods and the characteristics of Gimhae Ogwan
목차 김해 예안리 유적과 신라의 낙동강 서안 진출 / 李熙濬 1 요약 1 I. 머리말 2 II. 문제의 제기 3
Date of Burial Jar in Hoehyeonri shell mound of Gimhae 1935년 조사된 김해 회현리패총 옹관은 日本弥生時代옹관의
Air transport demand forecasts of Gimhae Airport using time series big data 본 연구는 계절 ARIMA(Autoregressive Integrated Moving
Space of transformation, Gimhae-Focusing on the case of change in the identity of Gimhae migrants- 경남 김해는 최근 이주민의