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함안성산산성 출토 목간은 592년(진평왕 14) 왜의 침입에 대비한 병력의 집결에 사용된 공출물표와 문
A Study on No. 23 Wooden Slip found by 17th. Excavation in Haman Seongsan Mountain Fortress 함안 성산산성의 17차 발굴조사
Provincial Structure and Tax System of Silla Seen in Mokkans of Seongsan Mountain Fortress in Haman 성산산성 목간은 대부분
Analysis of organic horizon and relics at Sungsan sansung fortress 함안 성산산성은 성벽의 축조과정과 유물의 출토맥
New wooden tablets which were excavated from the Seongsansanseong Fortress 함안 성산산성(사적 제67호)유적은 국립가야
Discovery Process and Musical Evolution of HamanNongyo 본 연구는 경상남도 무형문화재 제39호로 지정된 함안농요의
The Present Situation of the Study on the Wooden Tablets Found from the Seongsan Sanseong Fortress, and it's Point of Dispute 본 논
The Dae-beop(代法) and the labor mobilization system of Silla found in the wooden tablets excavated in Haman Seongsan Fortress 함안
A Study of Wooden tablets of the Sungsan Fortress in Hamman 먼저 자료의 제시 부분에서는 함안 성산산성 전체 목간
A Reexamine on the Wooden Name List of Tax Supplies excavated at the Sungsan Mountain Fortress Since 2 wooden tablets had been excavate